Ada Prada

Moncloa de San Lázaro

Cacabelos, LEÓN

The Moncloa de San Lázaro is a traditional Bierzo building that was a former pilgrims’ hospital in the 17th century.

Each of the spaces is designed for the enjoyment of different moments of the day, from a delicious breakfast on the veranda or in the coolness of the summer terrace, through the vermouth with music, a meal in the courtyard under the wisteria or by the fireplace, a drink or a nap in a hammock in the garden, a chocolate with fritters for a snack in a special place…

After all these moments you can stay overnight in the charming 8-room Hotelito, in the Casina de Terobe or in the Hostel near the Plaza Mayor.


Hotel, restaurant, take-away, event space, berzian products.

Cimadevilla Street, 97 24540 Cacabelos, León

+34 987 546 101