Camino de Europa
The Sorority Network is developed within the Camino de Europa project.
Camino de Europa is a project that revolutionizes the Camino experience through digital transformation by connecting cultural travelers with producers and services along the Camino. This project comes to meet the needs of pilgrims with a global and technological vision, still unmet in the Xacobean route, and to encourage the local economy in a sustainable way.
With the participation of Camino agents and Camino lovers in the same community, Camino de Europa has a unique contribution so far, improving the experience of walkers, through a Marketplace available in an app and based on blockchain technology.
Camino de Europa aims to directly benefit the five Autonomous Communities of the French Way, the most traveled and internationally recognized: Navarra, Aragón, La Rioja, Castilla y León and Galicia. There are 188 localities that make up the French Way, some of which belong to the so-called Empty Spain and will therefore help its economy and development.
Most of the 3,000 businesses along the French Camino are small productions, craftsmen and craftswomen, merchants, artists and other local other directly created to serve pilgrims. The new relationships and connections that technology generates between traveler and producer make it easier for local businesses to experience sustainable growth.

Digitalization of products and experiences.
Acceleration Program that includes training, mentoring and consulting.
Financed by: